We believe ordinary moments of excellence add up to an extraordinary life.

Our name comes from the part of the tailhook that fighter jets use to land on aircraft carrier decks. These precision landings require commitment, confidence, and skill traits we value and bring to all our work at Hook Point Brewing.

Mike Sadler

A sense of purpose and pride is infused into everything we do at Hook Point.

With attention to the details, passion for pushing the envelope on better flavors, and a spirit of pride in both service to others and personal excellence, we invite you to give our beers a try and share a brew with your crew. 

Honoring those who serve

Hook Point Brewing Company is proud to partner with several veterans-focused organizations, that support veterans and their families. We partner with them through in-kind donations, sponsorships, and donating a portion of the sales of certain beers.

Learn more about each by clicking the links below: 

Fortune favors the brewed

Hook Point Brewery and Taproom